Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules. Just click the “Edit Page” link at the bottom of the page. [] Yes, its a wide page. A very wide page. A very very very very…

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules. Just click the “Edit Page” link at the bottom of the page. [] Yes, its a wide page. A very wide page. A very very very very…
English > Masquerade Anticipation Masquerade What’s New Aug 12, 2009 The convention is over; thank you for joining us! Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation Livejournal, or let us…
Main > USDAdRates USD Ad Rates Progress Report Dimensions Pro Semi-pro Fan Full page 10″ x 8″ (plus bleed) 600.00 USD 300.00 USD 150.00 USD Half page 5″ x 8″ 400.00 USD 200.00 USD 100.00 USD Half page 10″ x…
News > HugoVoterPacket Hugo Voter Packet Apr 21, 2009 Hugo and Campbell Voter Package Available Works and portfolio samples from a number of individuals under consideration for the 2009 Hugo and Campbell Awards are now available at http://members.anticipationsf.ca for download…
Main > SMOFCon29 SMOF Con 29 What’s New Aug 12, 2009 The convention is over; thank you for joining us! Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation Livejournal, or let…
Nouvelles? Tarifs Pour Enfants Et Familles Dec 4, 2007 Tarifs pour enfants et familles. Anticipation annonce les tarifs dinscription pour enfants et familles. What’s New Dec 6, 2007 L’AMonSFF fête ses 20 ans. l’Association Montréalaise de science-ficiton et de fantastique…
News > AuroraNominationPeriod Aurora Nomination Period Feb 17, 2009 Aurora Nomination Period The nomination period for the Prix Aurora ends on February 28th. Visit their website to download the nomination form or complete it online.
This page is here to provide quick links to the pages in the Main Directory and was mostly done because I could not find them elsewhere and am getting tired of typing them in by hand -Rene Main Committee List…
Nous acceptons Paypal Nous acceptons maintenant les paiements via Paypal.
Nouvelles > VotepourlesPrixHugoenligne Votepourles Prix Hugoenligne May 19, 2009 Le vote pour les Prix Hugo est ouvert en ligne. Les bulletins de vote en ligne pour les Prix Hugo 2008 sont maintenant disponibles. Tous les bulletins (papier et électroniques) doivent…