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Old Rates 3

Standard Rate Pre-Supporter
Attending 215 CAD/AUD 190 CAD/AUD
190 USD 165 USD
110£ 95£
135€ 120€
23 000¥ 20 000¥
Supporting 55 CAD/AUD 35 CAD/AUD
50 USD 30 USD
25£ 15£
35€ 20€
6 000¥ 4 000¥
Rates are based in Canadian dollar value. Prices in other currencies are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on the currency exchange markets. Rates valid until December 31st, 2008. Cash, cheques in CAD or USD, Paypal, Visa and Master Card are accepted. All credit card charges will be processed in Canadian dollars.
Please note: Pre-supporter rates apply to those people who were Pre-supporters of the bid. If you did not pre-support before the vote at Nippon 2007, then the Standard Rate applies to you.
Upgrade rates for supporting members of Anticipation
Standard Rate Pre-Supporter
Attending 160 CAD/AUD 135 CAD/AUD
135 USD 110 USD
80£ 70£
100€ 85€
17 000¥ 14 000¥
Rates are based in Canadian dollar value. Prices in other currencies are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on the currency exchange markets. Rates valid until December 31st, 2008. Cash, cheques in CAD or USD, Paypal, Visa and Master Card are accepted. All credit card charges will be processed in Canadian dollars.
Please note: Pre-supporter rates apply to those people who were Pre-supporters of the bid. If you did not pre-support before the vote at Nippon 2007, then the Standard Rate applies to you. Note that all voters for the 2009 site selection are supporting members of Anticipation. Pre-supporter who benefited of a rebate when purchasing a supporting membership must use the standard rate to upgrade to an attending membership.
Child Memberships
Standard Rate Pre-Supporter
Did Not Vote in Site Selection 75 CAD/AUD 55 CAD/AUD
75 USD 55 USD
40£ 30£
60€ 40€
8 500¥ 6 000¥
Voted in Site Selection 55 CAD/AUD Automatic
55 USD
3 000¥
Rates are based in Canadian dollar value. Prices in other currencies are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on the currency exchange markets. Child membership rates are valid until April 30th, 2009 and grant full benefits for children aged 6–12 (born on or after August 6th, 1996 and on or before August 5th, 2003) at the time of the convention. Children aged 5 and under (born after August 5th, 2003) get in for free. Childcare fees not included with the membership. Cash, cheques in CAD or USD, Paypal, Visa and Master Card are accepted. All credit card charges will be processed in Canadian dollars.
Please note: Pre-supporter rates apply to those people who were Pre-supporters of the bid. If you did not pre-support before the vote at Nippon 2007, then the Standard Rate applies to you.
Special Family Rate
For two adults and two children aged 6–12 (born on or after August 6th, 1996 and on or before August 5th, 2003) at the time of the convention.
500 CAD/AUD 450 USD 250£ 320€ 53 000¥
Rates for an additional child in a family are:
50 CAD/AUD 50 USD 25£ 35€ 5 500¥
Rates are based in Canadian dollar value. Prices in other currencies are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on the currency exchange markets. Rates valid until December 31st, 2008. Childcare fees not included with the membership. Cash, cheques in CAD or USD, Paypal, Visa and Master Card are accepted. All credit card charges will be processed in Canadian dollars. Pre-supporting rebates and voter rebates apply, please contact us for more information.

What’s New

Aug 12, 2009

The convention is over; thank you for joining us!

Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation Livejournal, or let us know on Twitter. And we hope to see a lot of you at Aussiecon 4

Aug 9, 2009

Hugo Winners Announced

The 2009 Hugo winners have been announced.

Aug 7, 2009

Anticipation to offer “Taster” memberships

Heard about World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons) and think they sound cool but not sure they’re worth the money? Then Taster memberships are for you.

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