The Dealers Room Move-in hours will be: Wednesday: 10h – 23h (11pm) (please try not to arrive after 20h (8pm)) Thursday: 9h – 10h30 (Dealers Room opens to the public at 11h) Tuesday the decorating company will be setting up…
Dealers Confirmed List of confirmed dealers. * = Paid in full Booth/ Table# Name of Dealer (and Web Site) Descriptions Apogee Books NASA Mission Reports, Space Biographies, & Pocket Space Guides (some books have DVDs or CD-ROMs), classic science fiction…
Main > OldRates2 Old Rates 2 Standard Rate Bon Ami Pre-Supporter Attending 190 CAD/AUD 55 CAD/AUD 165 CAD/AUD 190 USD 55 USD 165 USD 95£ 30£ 85£ 130 35 110 20 000¥ 6 000¥ 18 000¥ Supporting 55 CAD/AUD Automatic…
Our flyer Are you trying to convince someone you know to pre-support us? Or maybe you’re going to a convention and want to give us a hand? Sometimes a piece of paper is just way handier than a web site,…
In addition to attending Arisia, we will also be throwing a party at Confusion in Ann Arbor, MI.
English > Memoriam In Memoriam August 2008 to July 2009 Mort Abrams, producer Forrest J Ackerman, fan Lino Aldani, writer Dave Arneson, game creator J. G. Ballard, author Wrai Ballard, fan Gary Bateman, fan Barrington J. Bayley, writer Randy Bathurst,…
Press Release Anticipation: Press Release #1, Nov. 2007 Anticipation, announces child rates and family rates. November 30th 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention announces child rates and family rates. The rates for children are as…
Dealers Room Email Updates (there was no update #2) What’s New Aug 12, 2009 The convention is over; thank you for joining us! Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation…
Nouvelles > Dessai Inscriptions d’essai Aug 7, 2009 Anticipation offre des inscriptions «d’essai» Vous avez entendu des congrès mondiaux de science fiction (Worldcon) et vous pensez quils semblent super mais vous n’êtes pas sûr sils en valent le coût? Si…
Main > Rates Rates Standard Rate 240 CAD/AUD 210 USD 135£ 150 20 000¥ Upgrade rates for supporting members of Anticipation 185 CAD/AUD 160 USD 105£ 115 15 000¥ Upgrade rates from a weekend membership 60 CAD/AUD 55 USD 35£…