Group Attributes What’s New Aug 12, 2009 The convention is over; thank you for joining us! Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation Livejournal, or let us know on Twitter.…
English > AlsoAttending Will Also Be Attending One of the attractions of Worldcon is the sheer number of writers and other creators who attend. Here is a partial list of who you can expect to meet at Anticipation. Additional names…
News > WillAlsoBeAttending Will Also Be Attending May 6, 2009 Will Also Be Attending One of the attractions of Worldcon is the sheer number of writers and other creators who attend. Here is a partial list of who you can…
Bid Links Links of interest Note that all links in this section will open a new web browser window. This page uses the hcalendar microformat for all the events listed on this page. To get all the events listed on…
As soon as the results of the vote were announced, the Montréal French language daily La Presse was there. We could not find an online version of the article to link to, but here is a scan taken from the…
Nous serons à Smofcon à Boston, MA les 7 au 9 décembre, 2007
Aug 12, 2009 Le congrès est terminé, merci d’avoir été des nôtres! Merci pour avoir été des nôtres! S.V.P. ajoutez votres liens avec vos commentaires sur le congrès, ou votres photos sur le “Livejournal” d’Anticipation, ou laissez nous savoir sur…
Nouvelles > Guideresto Guideresto Jul 25, 2009 Guide des restaurants et services Voulez-vous savoir ce qu’on peut manger à Montréal? Voulez-vous savoir ce que d’autres ont à dire à propos des restaurants à Montréal, ou offrir votre avis? Vous pouvez…
Registering Registration is now closed. We need volunteers for at-con Registration. Heres your opportunity to be a part of the convention, have fun and work with an amazing group of friendly, interesting people. Flexible hours and no experience necessary. For…
Travel Information Where is Montréal? Bon Secours Located on an island in the Saint Lawrence river, Montréal is close to the Canadian and U.S. border. Found at 45°30′ N / 73°36′ W, Montréal is the largest city in the Province…