Bid New
What’s New
January 8, 2008
- Moved the bid site to its current location
September 5, 2007
- We won!
June 25, 2007
- Updated the links and the right-side panel.
March 17, 2007
Feburary 11, 2007
- Updated the list of links on every page.
- Added the FAQ page
November 7, 2006
- Updated the wording on the main page, and fixed a few errors on the links page.
November 2, 2006:
October 4, 2006: Technical.
- Hopefully (finally) fixed the scrolling issue in Internet Explorer. The style sheet (and pagelayout) has changed marginally. If you still see problems, please reload the page and clear your cache.
September 30, 2006: Updates.
- Removed all the from the site and replaced them with é (this should now be fixed for Internet explorer users.
- Stripped all the javascript from the site in an attempt to stop Internet Explorer from classifying the site as having “active content”.
- Tried to remove the scroll bars from the site. I was mostly successful. Further changes are still required.
- Modified the css further for formatting of the right and left columns.
- Started blogging the web-page changes.
September 12, 2006: Updates.
- Fixed the image link to the blog. It now points to our blog, and not the blogspot copy (which has not been updated in quite some time).
- Updated the and added a technocrati link to it.
- Added a link roll to the Visiting Montreal web page.
- Updated the cascading style sheet to the site.
September 11, 2006: Updates.
- Anticipation in 2009 will be represented at the following upcoming conventions: Conjecture, CapClave, WindyCon, Loscon, and Westercon 60. Added these links to the link page and the menu to the right.
June 19, 2006: Updates.
- Removed Gaylaxicon 2006 from the list of conventions that we’re going to.
- Updated the links page with the following conventions:
- Changed the dates for Con*Cept 2006.
- Added a Google Calendar button to the page. The Friends of Anticipation web calandar is updated with the information found on the links page.
- Updated the Visiting Montréal page to include a link to the bookmarks for Anticipation
May 31st, 2006: Updates.
- Added a link to CUFF on the links page
- The is available off the forms web page.
- The anticipation logo is now on the main index page.
- Otakuthon is now on the links page in both and English
May 23rd, 2006: Updates.
- Changed the logo? on the front pages (english and french).
- Added Midwestercon to our roster of conventions and the links pages.
May 21st, 2006: Updates.
- Updated the sidebar of conventions to match the upcoming roster of appearances.
- Anthrofest has changed their dates to August 11–13 (it was August 4–6 before). The Links page has been updated with this information.
- Modified the introduction to the clubs section to match the title.
- Added the Anticipation logo? to the website.
April 18th, 2006: Removed World Horror Convention from the list of conventions that we will be attending. Corrected the name MonSFFA on the links page and the blog archive links.
April 16th, 2006: More updates:
April 2nd, 2006: Lots of minor updates.
- New Visiting Montreal links added.
- Added various translations to the French site (index, blog).
- Added Wiscon and Smofcon to our list of conventions that we’ll be attending.
- The French links page now uses the hcalendar micro format.
March 2nd, 2006: More minor updates. is now locally hosted and all links should work, although the format is still tenative. We have more banners? (different sizes) and minor errors were fixed in the links page
February 27th, 2006: Minor updates to the Links of Interest page (formatting). Added the Le Grand Prix de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois.
February 26th, 2006: Updated the Links of Interest page to include the hcalendar microformat. Also added a list of general conventions. Updated the format on the index? page page. Added the Atom link and powered by Blogger links.
February 24th, 2006: Added the following conventions: Eastercon, Conzillla, Anthrocon and Royal Con listings. Added the banners to the index? page (both in English and French). Added the buttons on the left-side menu – right now they don’t do anything, but they do look pretty.
February 4th, 2006: Minor updates to the forms, contactus and links pages. This page was also updated.
January 23rd, 2006: Site gets its first revision. Major editing of all pages.
December 6th, 2005: Minor updates to the site, more French pages added.
November 14th, 2005: This version of the site went live.
October 22nd, 2005: updated the Visiting Montréal and links of interest pages with new links and more information.
October 11th, 2005: updated upcoming conventions, added photos in Bid history section. Added links.
April 10th 2005: Testing of new site continues. Updated with RW’s changes.
January 30th 2005: Updated convention list, bid committee list and links, added log page, added PDF of pre-support form.
January 19th 2005: Site goes live.
“World Science Fiction Convention”, “NASFiC” and “Worldcon” are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society.
Please address all questions and comments regarding this website to:
This site was last updated on 25-jun-07
What’s New
Aug 12, 2009
The convention is over; thank you for joining us!
Thank you for joining us! Please post links to your convention reports or photos to the Anticipation Livejournal, or let us know on Twitter. And we hope to see a lot of you at Aussiecon 4
Aug 9, 2009
Hugo Winners Announced
The 2009 Hugo winners have been announced.
Aug 7, 2009
Anticipation to offer Taster memberships
Heard about World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons) and think they sound cool but not sure they’re worth the money? Then Taster memberships are for you.