Press Release #19

Anticipation: Press Release #19, March 2009
Aurora Nominees Announced


Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, is pleased to announce the Prix Aurora nominees for 2009. The Auroras recognize Canadian science fiction and fantasy artwork, writing, and fan activities. Any Canadian citizen or resident may vote in the Aurora selection process. Mail-in or online ballots must be submitted before Wednesday, July 15th, 2009.
Please visit for more information or to vote.

Best Long-Form Work in English
Best work of SF or Fantasy in a novel or fiction collection in English by a Canadian writer, published in 2008.

  • After the Fires, Ursula Pflug (Tightrope Books)
  • Identity Theft and Other Stories, Robert J. Sawyer (Red Deer Press)
  • Impossibilia, Douglas Smith (PS Publishing)
  • Defining Diana, Hayden Trenholm (Bundoran Press)
  • Marseguro, Edward Willett (DAW Books)

Best Long-Form Work in French
Best work of SF or Fantasy in a novel or fiction collection in French by a Canadian writer, published in 2008.

  • Une fêlure au flanc du monde, Éric Gauthier (Alire)
  • Les vents de Tammerlan, Michèle Laframboise (Éditions Médiaspaul, coll. Jeunesse-Plus)

Best Short-Form Work in English
For a published SF or Fantasy novella, novelette, short story or poem in English by a Canadian writer, released in Canada in 2008.

  • “All In,” Peter Atwood (May-June, Weird Tales magazine)
  • “Back,” Susan J. Forest (June, Analog magazine)
  • “Ringing in the Changes in Okotoks, Alberta,” Randy McCharles (Tesseracts Twelve, Edge Science Fiction)
  • “A Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase by Van Gogh,” Douglas Smith (Impossibilia, PS Publishing)
  • “Doorways,” Douglas Smith (Postscripts Magazine #17, PS Publishing)

Best Short-Form Work in French
For a published SF or Fantasy novella, novelette, short story or poem in French by a Canadian writer, released in Canada in 2008.

  • « Ballade sur Pallide », Michèle Laframboise (Virages 44)
  • « La révolte des gilets-malins », Michèle Laframboise (QUAD9 6A)
  • « Le Dôme de Saint-Macaire », Jean-Louis Trudel (Solaris 167)
  • « Jos Montferrand et le Grand Brigand des routes », Alain Ducharme (Solaris 167)

Best Work in English (Other)
For SF or Fantasy activity, in English, by a Canadian, in 2008 not encompassed by the previous categories.

  • The Gaslight Grimoire, Jeff Campbell & Charles Prepolec, Réd. (Edge Science Fiction)
  • Neo-opsis magazine, Karl Johanson, Ed.
  • Tesseracts Twelve, Claude Lalumière, Ed. (Edge Science Fiction)
  • Through The Window: A Journey To The Borderlands Of Faerie, Marcie Lynn Tentchoff (Double Edge Publishing)
  • On Spec magazine, Diane Walton, Managing Ed.

Best Work in French (Other)
For SF or Fantasy activity, in French, by a Canadian, in 2008 not encompassed by the previous categories.

  • Jean-Louis Trudel, Sophie Beaulé, (Éditions David)
  • Solaris, Joël Champetier, Editing

Artistic Achievement
For a work or body of work produced by a Canadian artist during 2008.

  • Looking for Group, Lar deSouza (Online comic)
  • Couverture, Neo-Opsis #14, Stephanie Ann Johanson
  • Imagination, Michèle Laframboise (Imagination contre les pigeons spammeurs, Vermillon)
  • Fear Agent #22, Ronn Sutton (Dark Horse)
  • Couverture, JEMMA7729, David Willicome

Fan Achievement (Fanzine)
For a Canadian fanzine or newsletter relating to SF or Fantasy published in 2008.

  • The Original Universe, Jeff Boman, (Ed.)
  • Opuntia, Dale Spiers (Ed.)
  • Clair/Obscur, François-Bernard Tremblay, (Ed.)
  • Brins d’éternité, Guillaume Voisine, (Ed.)

Fan Achievement (Organizational)
For individual contributions to Canadian SF convention or club activities during 2008.

  • Robyn Herrington Memorial Short Story Contest, Renée Bennett (Administrator)
  • World Fantasy 2008, Kim Greyson (Guest Liaison)
  • FilKONtario 19, Judith Hayman, & Peggi Warner-Lalonde (Co-chairs)
  • World Fantasy 2008, Randy McCharles, (Chair)
  • Anime North 2008, David Simmons (Organizer)

Fan Achievement (Other)
For Canadian fan activity in 2008 not encompassed by the previous two categories.

  • World Fantasy 2008 Podcasts, Kurt Armbruster, & Ryah Deines (Producers/Ed./Hosts)
  • Impulse, MonSFFA Newsletter, Keith Braithwaite (Ed.)
  • Through the Keyhole – 25 years of Memories from KeyCon, Jennifer Ennis (Ed.)
  • Fan writing, Lloyd Penney
  • Heather Dale Concert, Joan Sherman (Organizer)

Anticipation is honoured to host Canvention, the Canadian national science fiction convention and the Prix Aurora Awards (

The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, known as Anticipation, will take place in Montréal, Québec, Canada from Thursday, August 6th through Monday, August 10th, 2009.

More information about Anticipation, including current membership rates, is available on our web site (; you can also write to us for more information.
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Contacts: Anticipation The 67th World Science Fiction Convention P.O. Box 105, Station NDG Montréal, QC H4A 3P4 email:

“WSFS”, “Worldcon”, “World Science Fiction Convention”, “Hugo Award” and “NASFiC” are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

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